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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

omg i had to go through so much stuff to find our sign in info for this blog =P

since i can't somehow talk to u cos of net/phone issues...i'll just do a post for u! =D [yes im over my cap again so sorry if i haven't been replying :P lucky u get to msg for free:@]



U MISSED OUT ON INCUBUS!...even though they're gonna be in sg soon, it just feels good to rub it in for now.

Soundwave 08 had a pretty big lineup but the ones I got to see/remembered to see/or accidentally moshed to were:

Offspring [$#*%*#%&#%#]

Incubus [@*$@$*@()$*(#)]

Mae [well its Mae...good for a lil while, their music it's pretty one level so got bored after a while]

Sugarcult [were awesome]

Motion City Soundtrack [loved them too.. go listen to 'The future freaks me out']

Mindless Self Indulgence [even though they looked emo, they play punk rock =) ]

Thursday [was expecting them to be btr ]

Saosin [only got to see them for 10mins but awesome nonetheless]

Killswitch Engage [again, only saw them for 10mins cos we were trying to leave b4 traffic got outta hand]

Plain White T's [lol...hey there delilah...]

i think we also went to see socratic and all time low but i honestly dont remember what they were like =( I think one of them were pretty mellow, so we took our inappropriate moshing elsewhere =P

As you can see from my epiliptic fit after mentioning the Offspring and Incubus...they were so so good. They played for an hr each. I was really surprised at the amount of 'heavier' songs that Incubus had, I think i gotta go get more of their stuff hey so i can be better prepared to run away from songs that causes moshes that could potentially kill me. We decided to go to the middle front of the mosh pit [which was worse than my decision to gps our way there]. Before they came out onto the stage I was just saying how it wouldn't be too bad because their songs aren't that heavy...and then moments later they appear and start some really hyper song that i forgot =S and then began our fight for our lives lol. It was that bad! There can't be anything worse than being a midget in a moshpit among all the guys that were at least 2x our size. We eventually jumped our way out and found a safer spot to enjoy the music n live at the same time =_=. They were really cool. the guy on the keyboard has these crazy long dreds...i wouldn't believe they were real unless i saw them in real life hey :P the lead singer was pretty hot being shirtless n all. They weren't as entertaining as the guys from Mindless Self Indulgence but I guess Incubus are that big to not really bother n just get on with playing. Woulda been cool if they talked to us more :( they didnt even do signing for fans either!

Offspring were fking awesome. I enjoyed them more than Incubus partly cos they played more songs that I knew and could scream my lungs to haha. I felt like i was gonna faint a couple of times when they were playing cos we were that high. We eventually went off for a bit to drench outselves with water ^^ we basically walked around in our own sweat/water/other people's sweat for around 12 hours =P didn't realise how gross i smelt till i got home to shower n change.

It would've been fun if you were there too since you're such a bit fan of incubus but like you said; they're going to sg soon so GO GET TICKETS AND GO GO GO cos it's so worth it. I prefer going to festivals n watching real ppl play good music than go to clubs n listen to the crap they play on the radio.

oh! I forgot to mention that I got myself an awesome Incubus singlet [and a soundwave 08 shirt]! hehe I'll show you a pic later on but here's one that's been soaked in sweat n water =P gross I know but deal with it! cos its so awesome!

by the way, congrats on ur bike n stuff if i haven't said that already haha

show me a pic sometime cos I don't think my imagination is doing it any justice know how my imagination of the things u pick turns out...0=)

ok post on this or something so i know i didnt waste my time rambling =(

Have fun guarding that pool of yours. Try to save a life before you come back! =)


~ meje . @ 9:09 AM .

Friday, May 25, 2007

This blogs being brought back from its grave cos...
someone's reached a special milestone in their life today! =)

He's been so excited about his 18th that the excitement kinda rubbed off onto here's a post dedicated to you, Jer!

It's taken you a while to finally turn 18! even though I personally don't see turning 18 to be something that great (maybe cos I was already doing things I shouldn't have been doing...just maybe) but I'm sure you'll enjoy all the privileges that are coming your way!...and not to mention all the responsibilities you'll have too =P

I wish I could be there celebrating with you along with all those new friends you've made over there (...they're an interesting bunch to say the least =P)
but for now, we'll have to settle with this
...I'm sure we'll make up for it later on ;)

Have a wild night out tonight! Party hard! (cos you really need it after a week of crawling in the mud lol)
and I'll talk to you soon!

so last but not least...



~ meje . @ 3:51 PM .

Saturday, February 24, 2007

the last image was behind those closed doors.

the departure, cruel.
But it's given us something greater than what others have
...this departure, could be a laudable test.

~ meje . @ 9:15 AM .

Saturday, January 20, 2007


only one more night till I get my ass on that plane and fly out of Perth!!
I've been looking forward to it, but also not wanting the day to come so soon so i wont have to leave so early...but ah wells...HOLIDAYING TIME!

1st stop: hong kong
2nd: china
last: sg

can't wait to shopshopshop and spendspendspend.  retail therapy does wonders :P

anyway...Thanks for keeping me company today Jer...altho all you did was sit and sleep with your mouth gaping open, but good company all the same :P
I'm gonna miss you so much while I'm gone :( but i'll see you soon tonight :D and tmr! and in sg! someone's a little slave aren't they? ;)

I'm dead beat from last night/this morning.  gonna go take a nap, pack and then go out for a bit.
NO MORE PERTH!!! [for a couple wks...]


prawn crackers make the perfect accessorry for your mouth

sad, camwhoring, sad

his attempted suicide


~ meje . @ 6:21 PM .

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

tired and moody.

Welcome To Wherever You Are

Maybe we're different, but we're still the same
We all got the blood of Eden, running through our veins
I know sometimes it's hard for you to see
You come between just who you are and who you wanna be

If you feel alone, and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning, is some beginning's end

Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life, you made it this far
Welcome, you gotta believe
That right here right now, you're exactly where you're supposed to be
Welcome, to wherever you are

When everybody's in, and you're left out
And you feel your drowning, in a shadow of a doubt
Everyones a miracle in their own way
Just listen to yourself, not what other people say

When it seems you're lost, alone and feeling down
Remember everybody's different
Just take a look around


Be who you want to, be who you are
Everyones a hero, everyones a star

When you wanna give up, and your hearts about to break
Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes


~ meje . @ 10:31 PM .

Sunday, January 14, 2007

After a final request from him, i decided to go and check his church out. The place was nice and service wasn't so bad either. Big thanks to Matt who kept me company and helped me along the way...what with all the standing and sitting, it does get rather confusing :P thanks Matt! and congrats on getting your P's today [be sure to get a call from mel for a ride yes? haihai XD]

Anyway, he played the drums for the church and also looked very shuai while he was at should've seen the concentration on his face, quite deceiving i must say :P

Dan drove us back after packing up, and that idiot and I went out for dinner together. more memories to keep...more things to add to the list of things that we must leave behind. sigh.

Ever seen a person sleep with eyes half open? Anyone whose curious should take my word for it: it's freaky as hell.

6 days to go

with reluctance, gnite all.

~these memories will play back like a film without sound~

~ meje . @ 10:56 PM .

Pachelbels Canon in D - I've always loved this, esp the chorus. It's currently our background music atm while i sit and type and he cooks us brunch. Isn't he a good boy? ;)

After a long day at work i was out and about again...on my way to his place. The rides together are always so fun, but poor jer needs to carry a heavy load :P dw...mel can only get fatter and not skinnier so there's no more hope anymore :D

There's only a week or so till i'll be gone for a couple of weeks so i don't mind the tiredness at all right now. I feel dead beat everyday after work but going out late at night to be in his company just lifts my spirit and makes me want to jump around and pass the night away together, no matter what we do...I'm loving it!

pics will be up soon from jer since he's turned into such a big camwhore lately.

mel: =________=

goin home now...bitch is coming over and she'll kill me if i miss the bus home =P

~ meje . @ 11:40 AM .

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Another magical night in the city. Went to Billy Lee's in Northbridge, had dinner, ice cream and played some photohunt at pot black followed by an intense 1.5 hrs of camwhoring.. accumulating 200 odd photos over 2 days :p
Never had so much fun in a long time.. Even better cos it was spent with meL =) ... Sigh.. Another day gone, Another day less to be together.. Another day closer to the end of this chapter of our lives..

Evermore - Light Surrounding You (Radio has killed it sadly.. )

I see you by the water
Your toes dipped in the sand
I thought that it was over
I thought you'd understand
But the feeling is returning
Though time has made us change
And I understand if you don't
Wanna talk to me about it tonight

'Cause I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of something new

Time was overtaking me
And I guess I was confused
They were all inviting me
But I wish I had refused
'Cause I've been there before
And I've seen it all
And I believe in you

And if you never had my heart
I would've never called you back
At the start that night
So I want you to know

That I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of something new
'Cause I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of what you're turning into

Blue-eyed sun shines on me
In the morning
Can't help but feel a little cold
Thinking of you

'Cause I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of something new
'Cause I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of what you're turning into
No, don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
Cos I see the light
Cos I see the light
Cos I see the light surrounding you

I love you meL

~ meje . @ 5:04 AM .

Friday, January 12, 2007

Another night spent together, another night gone. Time just flies by, emotionlessly. A rather subdued 5mth anniversary, just spending time talking to each other, and holding each other.. Even that makes me happy. Because your company cheers me up Mel. Happy 5 mth baby! As always, love you heaps!

off to sleep.

~ meje . @ 4:39 AM .

Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's a weird feeling really.. knowing that I wont be able to be together with her much longer. Someone special that I shared the past nearly half a year with. All the ups and downs, all the experiences which will become memories. It hurts just thinking about it.. how will we part? Like in TV series, at the airport? Seems really cruel, how just walking around a corner at immigration will seal our fates. The last glimpse I'll ever have of her.. thats gotta be a hard step to take. Walking around that corner, behind the cold concrete wall. The pain really makes you know you're alive. Everyday that draws closer, seeing it coming but not being able to do anything about it. It really does suck. Now I kinda know what those cancer patients feel when they're told they have x amount of months/weeks left to live.

- all the times that I could have spent with her, and I didn't
- all the times that I could make her smile, and I didn't
- all the times that I could make her laugh, and I didn't
- all the times that I could hug her and hold her hand, and I didn't
- all the times that I could talk to her on the phone till she fell asleep before me, and I didn't .............. cos I fell asleep first =(.................
- all the times that I could laugh at her jokes even if they weren't funny, and I didn't
- all the times that I could be by her side when she was sad, and I wasn't
- everything that I could be for her, and I wasn't

As the clock ticks by, and the number of days we have diminish, I find myself thinking about her more and more, happy memories constantly flooding my mind, smiling just as I think of them and then sometimes happiness turns to sadness. With that in mind, I want to treasure every moment I have with her, holding her, hugging her, being with her. Because it makes me happy. She means the world to me. At the end, when this chapter of our lives really comes to a close, I hope distance will not be a huge hurdle and that we might remain close, whether its just as friends, or something more than that, I just hope that everything we've built won't fall to bits.

Mel, the memories we had, both good and bad, I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Thank you for everything thats happened and sorry for everything that couldn't happen. Right now, as tears are building up in my eyes, I just wanna say I love you..

~ meje . @ 8:26 AM .

the new year has crept quietly into our lives.

its now 10 days into 07 and there are...
11 days till my holiday
21 days till he leaves
33 days till I see him
45 days till he's gone...

21 more days together. It seems like forever; twenty one whole days...that's 504 hours! Each passing minute pains me.

This has got to be the first time that I wished not to see an end to things. Guess those wishes won't be granted for now...

~ meje . @ 1:20 AM .

Monday, January 01, 2007

It's the last day of 2006.

As much as I've disliked this year, it is also a year which I have enjoyed, explored, experienced and experimented the most. It’s been an adventurous year for all aspects of my life; family, friends and relationships have all had their major highs and lows which will not be forgotten anytime soon.

From all these experiences, one is bound to change. Have I changed for the better or for the worse? The question is not primarily that though if anyone’s actually trying to figure that out. It’s more of the lesson we have learnt from our experiences; our rights and wrongs, and coming out of it as a stronger person inside. With this said, I can safely say that 2006 has made me a stronger person overall. However, this could not be possible if not for the love and support of many friends and family members.

Over the course of the year many new people have set foot into my life, and many old ones have come back into my life too. I hope I’ve helped out everyone who sought my help when they were in need. I also have to thank my friends for giving me the support which I probably did not deserve during some of the lows this year. Thank you all for lending me a shoulder during times of chaos and drama. We’ve all made mistakes, it’s what we take with us when we dissolve our problems that counts. You know who I’m talking about, so many thanks once again.

Some of the highlights of the year that I remember from the last year of highschool has got to be the Yr 12 Ball. The Applecross Ball was a night of magic. This Ball was held before my own school ball so everything was new to me! I can still feel the excitement, anticipation and nerves I felt that night, but with the help of someone special during that Ball made the night so memorable. The Rossmoyne Ball was also an unforgettable night, many thanks to my partner for looking out for me! It doesn’t seem so far away when I think back to these two nights…the nights that I’d gladly relive.

My minds going a bit blank with the good things that have happened this year…all there is are negative memories for now. But another memorable thing happened this year! And this was meeting jer, or rather…getting to know him. He didn’t seem as strange before opposed to now…but people can be deceiving! I’m not kidding by the way! And I’m pretty sure he would say the same about me hahaha.... Anyway, above all the negativities that have happened between us, I’m glad we are still there for one another. I won’t forget our laughter, tears or joy that we have shared in our short time together. Although we will be far away from one another for some time, I can only hope that the distance between us will remain the same, if not closer during that period of time. I’ll miss you JJ!

The year of 2007 looks promising. I’ll be finally going on my holiday soon, which I’m overjoyed about since I haven’t travelled overseas in so long! The start of Uni will also be something to look forward to. I hope that this New Year will be one which is more settled for me, or else I’ll just go into hibernation…

New Year's Resolutions:

I have 8...most of them look achievable...(yeh they're blank here, but there are that amount listed in my head atm).  Hope you all achieve yours! AJA!

Happy New Year Everyone!

~ meje . @ 11:09 AM .

Thursday, December 21, 2006

too tired and my feet hurt from xmas shopping so I'll just be lazy (like always) and steal this quiz thing from Mei and fill it in to kill some time.

Xmas is making me broke again!...again...*sigh*..i just spent my pay for the week...i feel so helpless waiting for payday to come...again T___T booooooooo


In 2006, I

[ ] stayed single
[x] made out in a car
[ ] kissed in the snow
[x] kissed in the rain
[ ] fell in love with a fool
[ ] had my heart broken
[umm...x] broke someone else's heart
[lol] had a stalker
[ ] lost a friend
[x] had a good relationship with someone
[ ] questioned my sexual orientation
[ ] came out of my closet
[ ] got pregnant
[ ] had an abortion
[x ;) been putting on sum weight] thought you were pregnant
[ ] got married
[ ] had a divorce
[ ] kissed someone of the same sex
[x] met someone that I will never forget
[x] did something I regret
[ ] lost my true love
[x] lost faith in love
[ ] kissed under mistletoe
[ ] got a promotion
[ ] got a pay raise
[ ] changed jobs
[ ] lost my job
[ ] quit my job
[ ] dated a co-worker
[ ] dated my boss
[ ] dated my boss's son/ daughter
[ ] got fired from my job
[ ] got straight A's
[ ] met a teacher who I became friends with
[ ] met a teacher who I really hate
[ ] found the subject I love
[ ] failed a class
[x] cut class
[x] skipped school
[x] did something I was proud of
[x] discovered a new talent
[ ] proved myself
[ ] embarrassed myself in front of the class
[ ] fell in love with a teacher
[x] was involved in something that I will never forget
[ ] painted a picture
[ ] wrote a poem
[x] listened to music I couldnt stand
[x] double dipped
[ ] skinny dipped
[x] went to a sleepover
[x..leavers?] went to camp
[x] threw a surprise party
[x] laughed till I cried
[ ] laughed till I peed my pants
[ ] flirted shamelessly
[ ] visited a foreign country
[ ] visited another state
[ ] cooked a disastrous meal
[x] lost something important to me
[x] got a gift I love
[x] realized something new about myself
[x] dyed my hair
[ ] came close to losing my life
[ ] someone close to me died
[ ] went to a wild party
[x] drank alcohol
[x] got drunk
[ ] got arrested
[ lit] read a great book
[x] saw a great movie
[...] saw a movie so scary that it made me cry
[:)] saw a band live or concert
[x] did something that I wanted to tell everyone
[x] experienced something new
[x] made new friends
[x] found out who your real friends are
[x] lied to your parents
[x] snuck out
[ ] got in trouble with police
[x] went to a party
[x] had the time of your life
[x] danced
[x] fell out of love
[x] had a crush on someone
[ ] changed your sexual preference
[ ] swam in a pool
[ ] made a snowman
[ ] went snowboarding
[ ] went sledding
[ ] slept in past 2pm
[ ] got wasted in a public place
[ ] got wasted in Mexico
[ ] told someone you like them as more than a friend
[ ] gone on vacation
[ ] gone on vacation with a friend
[x] driven a car
[ ] played strip poker
[ ] danced in the rain
[ ] got in a car accident
[ ] seen someone get in a car accident
[ ] got in a fist fight
[x] laughed until you couldn't breathe
[x] had an amazing year
[x] missed someone
[ ] got hit by car
[ ] went to the hospital
[x] got a new pet
[x] enjoyed this year overall

~ meje . @ 9:51 PM .

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Update on sherbie

Yesterday: gave her a lil bath + blow dry. She looked like a newly washed teddy bear..which is like crap...but her fur was all fluffy and clean wen it finally dried properly. Nothing better than a cute kitten who is also clean!

Today: attempted to walk her on a leash
attempt half accomplished. imagine me running around with her fav toy on a stick infront of her, much like the imagine of the donkey and his dangling carrot.

Training Sherbz shall be fun! progress will be updated later! Im too tired for anything else, basically jus DEAD TIRED, but earning money all the same so...booyah

night all.

~ meje . @ 2:05 PM .

Monday, November 27, 2006



I've gotten so used to sharing the house with all you guys...i'm gonna miss it so much =( Now i gotta get used to sleeping in my own bed again...

Mandurah was freaking awesome. The house we stayed at was even better! and the people?...wat can i say...they're an unforgettable bunch! will blog more about it later when i get some proper sleep!

Back in Perth, and things are less than awesome. I gotta pray that things will be fine. It seems that Perth is just not the place for me to be, the negatives seem to keep flowing in and over ride whatever (if any) positives that are here.


~ meje . @ 9:22 PM .

Sunday, November 19, 2006

blogspot sux...or maybe its just me...urgh getting tired of the words coming up all screwed up. ah wells...u just need to change the encoding or sumth.

I've been kinda everywhere these few took today off to recharge since i've done more than enough moving ard for the month :P But i gotta say, the last few days have been awesome fun!

Going to the air race tomorrow then the next few days are all pretty busy too...and then we're heading down for LEAVERS ON THURSDAY!!

you guys who are coming down to visit better rmb to come down on FRIDAY for the big party to celebrate Tiff, Sherms, Lingding and my bday...but technically it'll be Tiff's bday on the day...but the more the merrier aye?!



~ meje . @ 11:10 AM .

Wednesday, November 15, 2006



been getting high, so if i random spam u...then...GET DOWN! AND GET HIGH WITH ME!

no more school books. no more random scattering of notes.
NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

time to sleep

goodluck jer and everyone who have exams left!

~ meje . @ 11:09 AM .

Monday, November 13, 2006

damn. Think there's gonna be higher security down at Mandurah during this years Leavers wk.

1 day till freedom!
1 wk till leavers!

inching closer to the end by each day.

~ meje . @ 3:03 AM .

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Don't lie to yourself. Face the issue directly.

Those steps need to be climbed, and it is inevitable that it will be accomplished sooner or later. So bear with me while my legs, however short they may be, take me closer to the top with each passing day.

Until I reach that position, please place your trust in me one last time.

What the above refers to is not important, so no questions need to be asked of me. The main point is the revelation to myself. I hope for all those out there who are trying to reach their own goals will be able to find the strength in themsevles to accomplish them or to overcome obstacles that are holding them back.


2 more exams to go! Best of luck to the rest of them people =)

~ meje . @ 10:12 AM .

Monday, October 30, 2006

meL got bored (as usual) and saw this off shan's blog so....

meL's Ver.

Put the following 5 animals in the order of your
I wrote...
Write one word that describes each one of the
I wrote...
Dog: active
Cat: lazy
Rat: sneaky
Coffee: yum
Sea: freedom
Think of someone (who also knows you and is
important to you) that you can relate them to the following colours (do not repeat your answer twice. Name just one person for each colour.)
Yellow: Joan
Orange: Andu
Red: blank
White: mum
Green: Jer
Finished? Please be sure that your answers are
what you REALLY WANT.

Look at the interpretations below: (but first before continuing, repeat your wish.) This will define your priorities in your life.

Cow Signifies CAREER
Tiger Signifies PRIDE
Sheep Signifies LOVE
Horse Signifies FAMILY
Pig Signifies MONEY
so mine is..
PRIDE comes first
FAMILY second
CAREER third
LOVE forth
MONEY last
Your description of dog implies your own personality.
Your description of cat implies the personality of your partner.
Your description of rat implies the personality of your enemies.
Your description of coffee is how you interpret sex.
Your description of the sea implies your own life.
active- implies my own personality...? doubt it haha... [err......wth?]
Lazy - implies the personality of my partner...? TOO RIGHT
Sneaky - implies the personality of my enemies...? how fitting
Yum - implies to how I interpret sex...? yum indeed =P
Freedom - implies of my own life..? loving it
Yellow: Someone you will never forget - { Joan } =O
Orange: Someone you consider your true friend - { Andu }
Red: Someone that you really love - o rly?
White: Your twin soul - { mum }?..thts freaky
Green: Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life - { Jerk? } =__=" great


Put the following 5 animals in the order of your
I wrote...
Write one word that describes each one of the
I wrote...
Dog: funloving
Cat: independant
Rat: timid
Coffee: CAFFINE!!!!
Sea: saltyyyyy
Think of someone (who also knows you and is
important to you) that you can relate them to the following colours (do not repeat your answer twice. Name just one person for each colour.)
Yellow: ????
Orange: andu? cos he's abso-fucking-lutely obsessed with orange
Red: ming? [cos of his msn font color]
White: Dan
Green: melko-sama!!! *huggs*
Finished? Please be sure that your answers are
what you REALLY WANT.

Look at the interpretations below: (but first before continuing, repeat your wish.) This will define your priorities in your life.

Cow Signifies CAREER
Tiger Signifies PRIDE
Sheep Signifies LOVE
Horse Signifies FAMILY
Pig Signifies MONEY
so mine is...
PRIDE comes first
FAMILY second
LOVE third
CAREER forth
MONEY last [sif.]
Your description of dog implies your own personality.
Your description of cat implies the personality of your partner.
Your description of rat implies the personality of your enemies.
Your description of coffee is how you interpret sex.
Your description of the sea implies your own life.
funloving - implies my own personality...
independant - implies the personality of my partner...
timid- implies the personality of my enemies...
caffine - implies to how I interpret sex..
salty - implies of my own life..
Yellow: Someone you will never forget - Linus
Orange: Someone you consider your true friend - Andu [i hardly talk to him =/...]
Red: Someone that you really love - MING... [errr.....]
White: Your twin soul - Dan
Green: Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life - melko-sama =)

This quiz ROX sucks.
I love mel so much. ;)

~ meje . @ 1:42 PM .

Here's the pic for those who want the good quality ver.
Click for full view, but be patient as it's quite a large pic!

~ meje . @ 12:00 PM .

Thursday, October 26, 2006


The 25th Oct marks the end of our attendance at Rossmoyne Senior High. These full 5 years is brought to a halt as of today. It was full of excitement and many memorable moments once again…and also the anticipation for the final school bell to ring through the classes. We put up our chairs for the last time in Mr Casely’s class and filed out one by one…thanking him along the way. I don’t think it’s really sunk in yet. It still doesn’t feel like a closure yet, maybe it will be tomorrow? Walking through the assembly at the end tomorrow will definitely hit hard.

Over the year I still remember the endless times that I prayed for school to be over sooner. All those months ago I couldn’t wait for this moment to come…now here we are, we’ve reached the end and it’s…not the reaction that was anticipated…it’s a bag of mixed of feelings when it was meant to be “WOOOOT SCHOOL’S OUT!”

“Does it have to end so soon?” We hear ourselves ask…

Oh! We also got those letters we wrote to ourselves in Year 9 on the 11th February 2003. To my surprise there was nothing in there that was really THAT embarrassing, although the things which worried me, the things I enjoyed and hated back then were all so naïve and innocent. It made me smile reading my thoughts from a couple years ago and realising how much I’ve grown (mentally) and matured, though this can be debatable at times…we’ll just leave it out for now. The best part of the letter has to be the opening with my overexcitement and foetal attempt to sound uh cool?: “Dearest Me in 2006”

shoot me.

Each class today was filled with anything but work, except for Weiman’s class of course. Mrs Italiano got us 2 cakes which was rather unexpected!! cos you know that saying?...“fat kid loves cake” jk! It also adds to more of my fatness making me heavier until I cannot be carried anymore :( but it was nice of her to share though! Oh yeah, it’s also her birthday today, so happy birthday to her

I just realised we had ‘exit’ signs at the end of the corridors. Wow. Our schools so advanced! Think of all those lives we’ll save having those signs. And hayfever is killing me! I need my daily dose of drugs. I should really get some tomorrow, or I’ll continue to feel like crap. Eyes are hurting again so I’ll just post up some random pictures from today.

This is my 3rd attempt in uploading pix, and I GIVE UP! BLOGSPOT IS STUPID…so this time I only put a few up because I’m sick and tired of all that waiting going to waste, might upload more later when i'm in the mood.

*click on the pix for larger view


and so begins our odyssey

partner swap!..ahh the sun's so bright



Economics 06 - MR LOBO IS AWESOME!

mel^2 meditating...MAKE US GROW!!!

accounting 06

Locker buddies...woot see my star on my chin?


~ meje . @ 1:30 PM .

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

the sperm that came and died on the same day =(

and to handsome boy's disappointment, yes i am posting AGAIN! :)

~ meje . @ 1:16 PM .

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Never thought you'd see this coming huh? well here it is...
your clowns for the night:

Most of you who are reading this should know who each person cbb with the intros. Thanks to Jer for making his lovely template...after lots of decision making..THIS MONKEY IS finally HAPPY WITH IT JER!!!! =D

Anyway this blog was created purely out of boredom (aren't they all? or are you ppl jus insane) so feel free to waste as much of your time on here cos you is dead boring... contrary to reading the ramblings from US =) though we could be doing a lot more stimulating things atm but this will have to do for now =(

A sad realisation is that our routine highschool life will be over in just another 2 or 3 days. It's a shame there's no proper track of the events for the past 5 years at Rossy, but i'll be taking away with me many memories of the ppl and ambience of the place (however dull it may have gotten at times) and also very thankful for all the opportunities it has created for us all! The rest is up to us now eh?

--Leavers 06 --

gotta make the most of the very last days everyone! =) i make it sound like we're all gonna die *coff* some of us might *wink*

~ meje . @ 2:26 PM .