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Monday, October 30, 2006

meL got bored (as usual) and saw this off shan's blog so....

meL's Ver.

Put the following 5 animals in the order of your
I wrote...
Write one word that describes each one of the
I wrote...
Dog: active
Cat: lazy
Rat: sneaky
Coffee: yum
Sea: freedom
Think of someone (who also knows you and is
important to you) that you can relate them to the following colours (do not repeat your answer twice. Name just one person for each colour.)
Yellow: Joan
Orange: Andu
Red: blank
White: mum
Green: Jer
Finished? Please be sure that your answers are
what you REALLY WANT.

Look at the interpretations below: (but first before continuing, repeat your wish.) This will define your priorities in your life.

Cow Signifies CAREER
Tiger Signifies PRIDE
Sheep Signifies LOVE
Horse Signifies FAMILY
Pig Signifies MONEY
so mine is..
PRIDE comes first
FAMILY second
CAREER third
LOVE forth
MONEY last
Your description of dog implies your own personality.
Your description of cat implies the personality of your partner.
Your description of rat implies the personality of your enemies.
Your description of coffee is how you interpret sex.
Your description of the sea implies your own life.
active- implies my own personality...? doubt it haha... [err......wth?]
Lazy - implies the personality of my partner...? TOO RIGHT
Sneaky - implies the personality of my enemies...? how fitting
Yum - implies to how I interpret sex...? yum indeed =P
Freedom - implies of my own life..? loving it
Yellow: Someone you will never forget - { Joan } =O
Orange: Someone you consider your true friend - { Andu }
Red: Someone that you really love - o rly?
White: Your twin soul - { mum }?..thts freaky
Green: Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life - { Jerk? } =__=" great


Put the following 5 animals in the order of your
I wrote...
Write one word that describes each one of the
I wrote...
Dog: funloving
Cat: independant
Rat: timid
Coffee: CAFFINE!!!!
Sea: saltyyyyy
Think of someone (who also knows you and is
important to you) that you can relate them to the following colours (do not repeat your answer twice. Name just one person for each colour.)
Yellow: ????
Orange: andu? cos he's abso-fucking-lutely obsessed with orange
Red: ming? [cos of his msn font color]
White: Dan
Green: melko-sama!!! *huggs*
Finished? Please be sure that your answers are
what you REALLY WANT.

Look at the interpretations below: (but first before continuing, repeat your wish.) This will define your priorities in your life.

Cow Signifies CAREER
Tiger Signifies PRIDE
Sheep Signifies LOVE
Horse Signifies FAMILY
Pig Signifies MONEY
so mine is...
PRIDE comes first
FAMILY second
LOVE third
CAREER forth
MONEY last [sif.]
Your description of dog implies your own personality.
Your description of cat implies the personality of your partner.
Your description of rat implies the personality of your enemies.
Your description of coffee is how you interpret sex.
Your description of the sea implies your own life.
funloving - implies my own personality...
independant - implies the personality of my partner...
timid- implies the personality of my enemies...
caffine - implies to how I interpret sex..
salty - implies of my own life..
Yellow: Someone you will never forget - Linus
Orange: Someone you consider your true friend - Andu [i hardly talk to him =/...]
Red: Someone that you really love - MING... [errr.....]
White: Your twin soul - Dan
Green: Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life - melko-sama =)

This quiz ROX sucks.
I love mel so much. ;)

~ meje . @ 1:42 PM .

Here's the pic for those who want the good quality ver.
Click for full view, but be patient as it's quite a large pic!

~ meje . @ 12:00 PM .

Thursday, October 26, 2006


The 25th Oct marks the end of our attendance at Rossmoyne Senior High. These full 5 years is brought to a halt as of today. It was full of excitement and many memorable moments once again…and also the anticipation for the final school bell to ring through the classes. We put up our chairs for the last time in Mr Casely’s class and filed out one by one…thanking him along the way. I don’t think it’s really sunk in yet. It still doesn’t feel like a closure yet, maybe it will be tomorrow? Walking through the assembly at the end tomorrow will definitely hit hard.

Over the year I still remember the endless times that I prayed for school to be over sooner. All those months ago I couldn’t wait for this moment to come…now here we are, we’ve reached the end and it’s…not the reaction that was anticipated…it’s a bag of mixed of feelings when it was meant to be “WOOOOT SCHOOL’S OUT!”

“Does it have to end so soon?” We hear ourselves ask…

Oh! We also got those letters we wrote to ourselves in Year 9 on the 11th February 2003. To my surprise there was nothing in there that was really THAT embarrassing, although the things which worried me, the things I enjoyed and hated back then were all so naïve and innocent. It made me smile reading my thoughts from a couple years ago and realising how much I’ve grown (mentally) and matured, though this can be debatable at times…we’ll just leave it out for now. The best part of the letter has to be the opening with my overexcitement and foetal attempt to sound uh cool?: “Dearest Me in 2006”

shoot me.

Each class today was filled with anything but work, except for Weiman’s class of course. Mrs Italiano got us 2 cakes which was rather unexpected!! cos you know that saying?...“fat kid loves cake” jk! It also adds to more of my fatness making me heavier until I cannot be carried anymore :( but it was nice of her to share though! Oh yeah, it’s also her birthday today, so happy birthday to her

I just realised we had ‘exit’ signs at the end of the corridors. Wow. Our schools so advanced! Think of all those lives we’ll save having those signs. And hayfever is killing me! I need my daily dose of drugs. I should really get some tomorrow, or I’ll continue to feel like crap. Eyes are hurting again so I’ll just post up some random pictures from today.

This is my 3rd attempt in uploading pix, and I GIVE UP! BLOGSPOT IS STUPID…so this time I only put a few up because I’m sick and tired of all that waiting going to waste, might upload more later when i'm in the mood.

*click on the pix for larger view


and so begins our odyssey

partner swap!..ahh the sun's so bright



Economics 06 - MR LOBO IS AWESOME!

mel^2 meditating...MAKE US GROW!!!

accounting 06

Locker buddies...woot see my star on my chin?


~ meje . @ 1:30 PM .

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

the sperm that came and died on the same day =(

and to handsome boy's disappointment, yes i am posting AGAIN! :)

~ meje . @ 1:16 PM .

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Never thought you'd see this coming huh? well here it is...
your clowns for the night:

Most of you who are reading this should know who each person cbb with the intros. Thanks to Jer for making his lovely template...after lots of decision making..THIS MONKEY IS finally HAPPY WITH IT JER!!!! =D

Anyway this blog was created purely out of boredom (aren't they all? or are you ppl jus insane) so feel free to waste as much of your time on here cos you is dead boring... contrary to reading the ramblings from US =) though we could be doing a lot more stimulating things atm but this will have to do for now =(

A sad realisation is that our routine highschool life will be over in just another 2 or 3 days. It's a shame there's no proper track of the events for the past 5 years at Rossy, but i'll be taking away with me many memories of the ppl and ambience of the place (however dull it may have gotten at times) and also very thankful for all the opportunities it has created for us all! The rest is up to us now eh?

--Leavers 06 --

gotta make the most of the very last days everyone! =) i make it sound like we're all gonna die *coff* some of us might *wink*

~ meje . @ 2:26 PM .