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Saturday, January 20, 2007


only one more night till I get my ass on that plane and fly out of Perth!!
I've been looking forward to it, but also not wanting the day to come so soon so i wont have to leave so early...but ah wells...HOLIDAYING TIME!

1st stop: hong kong
2nd: china
last: sg

can't wait to shopshopshop and spendspendspend.  retail therapy does wonders :P

anyway...Thanks for keeping me company today Jer...altho all you did was sit and sleep with your mouth gaping open, but good company all the same :P
I'm gonna miss you so much while I'm gone :( but i'll see you soon tonight :D and tmr! and in sg! someone's a little slave aren't they? ;)

I'm dead beat from last night/this morning.  gonna go take a nap, pack and then go out for a bit.
NO MORE PERTH!!! [for a couple wks...]


prawn crackers make the perfect accessorry for your mouth

sad, camwhoring, sad

his attempted suicide


~ meje . @ 6:21 PM .

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

tired and moody.

Welcome To Wherever You Are

Maybe we're different, but we're still the same
We all got the blood of Eden, running through our veins
I know sometimes it's hard for you to see
You come between just who you are and who you wanna be

If you feel alone, and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning, is some beginning's end

Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life, you made it this far
Welcome, you gotta believe
That right here right now, you're exactly where you're supposed to be
Welcome, to wherever you are

When everybody's in, and you're left out
And you feel your drowning, in a shadow of a doubt
Everyones a miracle in their own way
Just listen to yourself, not what other people say

When it seems you're lost, alone and feeling down
Remember everybody's different
Just take a look around


Be who you want to, be who you are
Everyones a hero, everyones a star

When you wanna give up, and your hearts about to break
Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes


~ meje . @ 10:31 PM .

Sunday, January 14, 2007

After a final request from him, i decided to go and check his church out. The place was nice and service wasn't so bad either. Big thanks to Matt who kept me company and helped me along the way...what with all the standing and sitting, it does get rather confusing :P thanks Matt! and congrats on getting your P's today [be sure to get a call from mel for a ride yes? haihai XD]

Anyway, he played the drums for the church and also looked very shuai while he was at should've seen the concentration on his face, quite deceiving i must say :P

Dan drove us back after packing up, and that idiot and I went out for dinner together. more memories to keep...more things to add to the list of things that we must leave behind. sigh.

Ever seen a person sleep with eyes half open? Anyone whose curious should take my word for it: it's freaky as hell.

6 days to go

with reluctance, gnite all.

~these memories will play back like a film without sound~

~ meje . @ 10:56 PM .

Pachelbels Canon in D - I've always loved this, esp the chorus. It's currently our background music atm while i sit and type and he cooks us brunch. Isn't he a good boy? ;)

After a long day at work i was out and about again...on my way to his place. The rides together are always so fun, but poor jer needs to carry a heavy load :P dw...mel can only get fatter and not skinnier so there's no more hope anymore :D

There's only a week or so till i'll be gone for a couple of weeks so i don't mind the tiredness at all right now. I feel dead beat everyday after work but going out late at night to be in his company just lifts my spirit and makes me want to jump around and pass the night away together, no matter what we do...I'm loving it!

pics will be up soon from jer since he's turned into such a big camwhore lately.

mel: =________=

goin home now...bitch is coming over and she'll kill me if i miss the bus home =P

~ meje . @ 11:40 AM .

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Another magical night in the city. Went to Billy Lee's in Northbridge, had dinner, ice cream and played some photohunt at pot black followed by an intense 1.5 hrs of camwhoring.. accumulating 200 odd photos over 2 days :p
Never had so much fun in a long time.. Even better cos it was spent with meL =) ... Sigh.. Another day gone, Another day less to be together.. Another day closer to the end of this chapter of our lives..

Evermore - Light Surrounding You (Radio has killed it sadly.. )

I see you by the water
Your toes dipped in the sand
I thought that it was over
I thought you'd understand
But the feeling is returning
Though time has made us change
And I understand if you don't
Wanna talk to me about it tonight

'Cause I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of something new

Time was overtaking me
And I guess I was confused
They were all inviting me
But I wish I had refused
'Cause I've been there before
And I've seen it all
And I believe in you

And if you never had my heart
I would've never called you back
At the start that night
So I want you to know

That I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of something new
'Cause I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of what you're turning into

Blue-eyed sun shines on me
In the morning
Can't help but feel a little cold
Thinking of you

'Cause I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of something new
'Cause I see the light surrounding you
So don't be afraid of what you're turning into
No, don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
Cos I see the light
Cos I see the light
Cos I see the light surrounding you

I love you meL

~ meje . @ 5:04 AM .

Friday, January 12, 2007

Another night spent together, another night gone. Time just flies by, emotionlessly. A rather subdued 5mth anniversary, just spending time talking to each other, and holding each other.. Even that makes me happy. Because your company cheers me up Mel. Happy 5 mth baby! As always, love you heaps!

off to sleep.

~ meje . @ 4:39 AM .

Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's a weird feeling really.. knowing that I wont be able to be together with her much longer. Someone special that I shared the past nearly half a year with. All the ups and downs, all the experiences which will become memories. It hurts just thinking about it.. how will we part? Like in TV series, at the airport? Seems really cruel, how just walking around a corner at immigration will seal our fates. The last glimpse I'll ever have of her.. thats gotta be a hard step to take. Walking around that corner, behind the cold concrete wall. The pain really makes you know you're alive. Everyday that draws closer, seeing it coming but not being able to do anything about it. It really does suck. Now I kinda know what those cancer patients feel when they're told they have x amount of months/weeks left to live.

- all the times that I could have spent with her, and I didn't
- all the times that I could make her smile, and I didn't
- all the times that I could make her laugh, and I didn't
- all the times that I could hug her and hold her hand, and I didn't
- all the times that I could talk to her on the phone till she fell asleep before me, and I didn't .............. cos I fell asleep first =(.................
- all the times that I could laugh at her jokes even if they weren't funny, and I didn't
- all the times that I could be by her side when she was sad, and I wasn't
- everything that I could be for her, and I wasn't

As the clock ticks by, and the number of days we have diminish, I find myself thinking about her more and more, happy memories constantly flooding my mind, smiling just as I think of them and then sometimes happiness turns to sadness. With that in mind, I want to treasure every moment I have with her, holding her, hugging her, being with her. Because it makes me happy. She means the world to me. At the end, when this chapter of our lives really comes to a close, I hope distance will not be a huge hurdle and that we might remain close, whether its just as friends, or something more than that, I just hope that everything we've built won't fall to bits.

Mel, the memories we had, both good and bad, I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Thank you for everything thats happened and sorry for everything that couldn't happen. Right now, as tears are building up in my eyes, I just wanna say I love you..

~ meje . @ 8:26 AM .

the new year has crept quietly into our lives.

its now 10 days into 07 and there are...
11 days till my holiday
21 days till he leaves
33 days till I see him
45 days till he's gone...

21 more days together. It seems like forever; twenty one whole days...that's 504 hours! Each passing minute pains me.

This has got to be the first time that I wished not to see an end to things. Guess those wishes won't be granted for now...

~ meje . @ 1:20 AM .

Monday, January 01, 2007

It's the last day of 2006.

As much as I've disliked this year, it is also a year which I have enjoyed, explored, experienced and experimented the most. It’s been an adventurous year for all aspects of my life; family, friends and relationships have all had their major highs and lows which will not be forgotten anytime soon.

From all these experiences, one is bound to change. Have I changed for the better or for the worse? The question is not primarily that though if anyone’s actually trying to figure that out. It’s more of the lesson we have learnt from our experiences; our rights and wrongs, and coming out of it as a stronger person inside. With this said, I can safely say that 2006 has made me a stronger person overall. However, this could not be possible if not for the love and support of many friends and family members.

Over the course of the year many new people have set foot into my life, and many old ones have come back into my life too. I hope I’ve helped out everyone who sought my help when they were in need. I also have to thank my friends for giving me the support which I probably did not deserve during some of the lows this year. Thank you all for lending me a shoulder during times of chaos and drama. We’ve all made mistakes, it’s what we take with us when we dissolve our problems that counts. You know who I’m talking about, so many thanks once again.

Some of the highlights of the year that I remember from the last year of highschool has got to be the Yr 12 Ball. The Applecross Ball was a night of magic. This Ball was held before my own school ball so everything was new to me! I can still feel the excitement, anticipation and nerves I felt that night, but with the help of someone special during that Ball made the night so memorable. The Rossmoyne Ball was also an unforgettable night, many thanks to my partner for looking out for me! It doesn’t seem so far away when I think back to these two nights…the nights that I’d gladly relive.

My minds going a bit blank with the good things that have happened this year…all there is are negative memories for now. But another memorable thing happened this year! And this was meeting jer, or rather…getting to know him. He didn’t seem as strange before opposed to now…but people can be deceiving! I’m not kidding by the way! And I’m pretty sure he would say the same about me hahaha.... Anyway, above all the negativities that have happened between us, I’m glad we are still there for one another. I won’t forget our laughter, tears or joy that we have shared in our short time together. Although we will be far away from one another for some time, I can only hope that the distance between us will remain the same, if not closer during that period of time. I’ll miss you JJ!

The year of 2007 looks promising. I’ll be finally going on my holiday soon, which I’m overjoyed about since I haven’t travelled overseas in so long! The start of Uni will also be something to look forward to. I hope that this New Year will be one which is more settled for me, or else I’ll just go into hibernation…

New Year's Resolutions:

I have 8...most of them look achievable...(yeh they're blank here, but there are that amount listed in my head atm).  Hope you all achieve yours! AJA!

Happy New Year Everyone!

~ meje . @ 11:09 AM .