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Friday, May 25, 2007

This blogs being brought back from its grave cos...
someone's reached a special milestone in their life today! =)

He's been so excited about his 18th that the excitement kinda rubbed off onto here's a post dedicated to you, Jer!

It's taken you a while to finally turn 18! even though I personally don't see turning 18 to be something that great (maybe cos I was already doing things I shouldn't have been doing...just maybe) but I'm sure you'll enjoy all the privileges that are coming your way!...and not to mention all the responsibilities you'll have too =P

I wish I could be there celebrating with you along with all those new friends you've made over there (...they're an interesting bunch to say the least =P)
but for now, we'll have to settle with this
...I'm sure we'll make up for it later on ;)

Have a wild night out tonight! Party hard! (cos you really need it after a week of crawling in the mud lol)
and I'll talk to you soon!

so last but not least...



~ meje . @ 3:51 PM .